




XV Latin American Congress on Organic Geochemistry

alago2The XV Latin American Congress on Organic Geochemistry will be held in Salvador, Bahia State, Brazil, from November 4 to 7, 2018. On November 3rd and 4th, pre-congress activities will include basic and advanced courses focusing on the most recent progress in selected topics of Organic Geochemistry.

The program covers, among others, the following fields of interest: Conventional and Unconventional Petroleum Systems, Gas Geochemistry, Source Rock Characterization, Environmental Geochemistry, New Analytical Technologies, Surface Exploration and Medical Geology.

Additionally, there will be a post-congress fieldtrip related to the main aspects of the Petroleum System of Recôncavo Basin. The Organizing Committee is working to create a perfect environment to promote a great scientific debate and networking opportunities. Join us in this high level technical-scientific event. We look forward to having your contribution for a memorable event.

Access the website for more information:

III ReuniĂŁo anual dos Projetos PALEOCEANO e ASpECTO


Grupo de professores, alunos de mestrado, doutorado e pós-docs do Programa de Geoquímica participam da III Reunião anual dos Projetos PALEOCEANO e ASpECTO (CAPES) que ocorreu nos dias 22 e 23 de março no CPTEC-INPE (Cachoeira Paulista, SP).

O Projeto PALEOCEANO que trata da variabilidade da Corrente do Brasil ao longo dos últimos 130.000 anos é financiado pelo Programa Ciências do Mar-II da CAPES, enquanto que o Projeto ASpECTO trata da assimetria no transporte de calor e sal pelas correntes de contorno oeste do Atlântico Sul nos últimos 130.000 anos é financiado pelo Programa IODP-CAPES.

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7Âș Encontro do Grupo Hybam


Tema: Large tropical rivers under climate and land use changes - Evolution of hydrological, sedimentary and biogeochemical cycles in the critical zone

Local: NAB - UFF (Núcleo de Estudos em Biomassa e Gerenciamento de Águas), Campus da Praia Vermelha, Niterói. Período: 06 a 10 de novembro de 2017. Inscrições Gratuitas.

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