Gabriel Nuto Nóbrega
Bolsista de Produtividade em Pesquisa JOVEM CIENTISTA DO NOSSO ESTADO – FAPERJ
Áreas de Interesse: Ciência do Solo e Pedogênese; Biogeoquímica de solos; Áreas úmidas costeiras; Recuperação de áreas degradadas
Gabriel Nuto Nóbrega
Bolsista de Produtividade em Pesquisa JOVEM CIENTISTA DO NOSSO ESTADO – FAPERJ
Áreas de Interesse: Ciência do Solo e Pedogênese; Biogeoquímica de solos; Áreas úmidas costeiras; Recuperação de áreas degradadas
Professor do Departamento de Geoquímica da Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF). Doutor em Solos e Nutrição de Plantas, linha de pesquisa Pedogênese e Geografia de solos pela Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz (ESALQ/USP; Conceito CAPES 7). Mestre em Agronomia/Solos e Nutrição de plantas, linha de pesquisa Caracterização e Gênese dos Solos e Pedologia Aplicada, pela Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC; Conceito CAPES 4), atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: Biogeoquímica, Gênese de solos, Dinâmica de Carbono, Contaminação de solos e Áreas úmidas costeiras. Engenheiro Agrônomo formado pela Universidade Federal do Ceará (2010), agraciado com a distinção "Magna cum laude" por seu alto desempenho acadêmico. Foi bolsista do Programa de Educação Tutorial (PET-Agronomia/UFC) durante 8 semestres. Foi bolsista de Pós-Doutorado pela FAPESP (2017-2018), investigando a Dinâmica dos processos pedogenéticos envolvidos no sequestro de C. Atualmente é bolsista do programa Jovem Cientista do Nosso Estado (FAPERJ).
(Últimos 5 anos)
1. OTERO et al. Crab Bioturbation and Seasonality Control Nitrous Oxide Emissions in Semiarid Mangrove Forests (Ceará, Brazil). APPLIED SCIENCES, v. 10(7), 2215, 2020
2. OTERO et al. Geographical variations in arsenic contents in rice plants from Latin America and the Iberian Peninsula in relation to soil conditions. ENVIRONMENTAL GEOCHEMISTRY AND HEALTH, v. 4, p.3351-3372, 2020
3. QUEIROZ et al. Nitrogen mineralization and eutrophication risks in mangroves receiving shrimp farming effluents. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH, v. 27, p. 34941-34950, 2020.
4. CABRAL et al. How do plants and climatic conditions control soil properties in hypersaline tidal flats. APPLIED SCIENCES - BASEL, v. 10, p. 7624, 2020.
5.NÓBREGA et al. The importance of blue carbon soil stocks in tropical semiarid mangroves: a case study in Northeastern Brazil. ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES, v. 78, 369, 2019
6. OLIVEIRA et al. Risk assessment and copper geochemistry of an orchard irrigated with mine water: a case study in the semiarid region of Brazil. ENVIRONMENTAL GEOCHEMISTRY AND HEALTH, v. 41, p. 603-615, 2019
7. QUEIROZ et al. Hidden contribution of shrimp farming effluents to greenhouse gas emissions from mangrove soils. ESTUARINE, COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE v. 221, p. 8-14, 2019.
8.PEREIRA et al. Does food partitioning vary in leaf-eating crabs in response to source quality? MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH v.144, p.72 - 83, 2019.
9. BARCELLOS et al. Phosphorus enriched effluents increase eutrophication risks for mangrove systems in northeastern Brazil. MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN v.142, p.58 - 63, 2019
10. NÓBREGA et al. Pedological Studies of Subaqueous Soils as a Contribution to the Protection of Seagrass Meadows in Brazil. REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE CIÊNCIA DO SOLO v. 42, p. e0170117, 2018.
11. QUEIROZ et al. Are acid volatile sulfides (AVS) important trace metals sinks in semi-arid mangroves?. MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN v. 126, p. 318-322, 2018.
12. QUEIROZ et al. The Samarco mine tailing disaster: A possible time-bomb for heavy metals contamination?. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT v. 637-638, p. 498-506, 2018.
13. OTERO et al. Trace elements in biomaterials and soils from a Yellow-legged gull ( Larus michahellis ) colony in the Atlantic Islands of Galicia National Park (NW Spain). MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN v. 133, p. 144-149, 2018.
14. OTERO et al. High fragility of the soil organic C pools in mangrove forests. MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN p. 460-464, 2017.
15. ROMERO et al. Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy (Vis-Nir-Swir) as a Promising Tool for Blue Carbon Quantification in Mangrove Soils: A Case of Study in Tropical Semiarid Climatic Conditions. SOIL SCIENCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA JOURNAL v. 81, p. 1661-1667, 2017.
16. OTERO et al. High heterogeneity in soil composition and quality in different mangrove forests of Venezuela. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT v. 189, p. 511, 2017.
17. NÓBREGA et al. Edaphic factors controlling summer (rainy season) greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 and CH4) from semiarid mangrove soils (NE-Brazil). Science of the Total Environment v. 542, p. 685-693, 2016.
18. PASSOS et al. Comparison of the quantitative determination of soil organic carbon in coastal wetlands containing reduced forms of Fe and S. Geo-Marine Letters p. 223-233, 2016.
19. ALMEIDA et al. High Primary Production Contrasts with Intense Carbon Emission in a Eutrophic Tropical Reservoir. Frontiers in Microbiology (Online) v. 7, p. 717, 2016.
20. ARAÚJO JÚNIOR et al. The role of bioturbation by Ucides cordatus crab in the fractionation and bioavailability of trace metals in tropical semiarid mangroves. Marine Pollution Bulletin v. 111, p. 194-202, 2016.
21. OSTERRIETH et al. Iron biogeochemistry in Holocene palaeo and actual salt marshes in coastal areas of the Pampean Plain, Argentina. Environmental Earth Sciences v. 75, p. 672, 2016.
(Últimos 5 anos)
1. OTERO et al. Crab Bioturbation and Seasonality Control Nitrous Oxide Emissions in Semiarid Mangrove Forests (Ceará, Brazil). APPLIED SCIENCES, v. 10(7), 2215, 2020
2. OTERO et al. Geographical variations in arsenic contents in rice plants from Latin America and the Iberian Peninsula in relation to soil conditions. ENVIRONMENTAL GEOCHEMISTRY AND HEALTH, v. 4, p.3351-3372, 2020
3. QUEIROZ et al. Nitrogen mineralization and eutrophication risks in mangroves receiving shrimp farming effluents. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH, v. 27, p. 34941-34950, 2020.
4. CABRAL et al. How do plants and climatic conditions control soil properties in hypersaline tidal flats. APPLIED SCIENCES - BASEL, v. 10, p. 7624, 2020.
5.NÓBREGA et al. The importance of blue carbon soil stocks in tropical semiarid mangroves: a case study in Northeastern Brazil. ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES, v. 78, 369, 2019
6. OLIVEIRA et al. Risk assessment and copper geochemistry of an orchard irrigated with mine water: a case study in the semiarid region of Brazil. ENVIRONMENTAL GEOCHEMISTRY AND HEALTH, v. 41, p. 603-615, 2019
7. QUEIROZ et al. Hidden contribution of shrimp farming effluents to greenhouse gas emissions from mangrove soils. ESTUARINE, COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE v. 221, p. 8-14, 2019.
8.PEREIRA et al. Does food partitioning vary in leaf-eating crabs in response to source quality? MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH v.144, p.72 - 83, 2019.
9. BARCELLOS et al. Phosphorus enriched effluents increase eutrophication risks for mangrove systems in northeastern Brazil. MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN v.142, p.58 - 63, 2019
10. NÓBREGA et al. Pedological Studies of Subaqueous Soils as a Contribution to the Protection of Seagrass Meadows in Brazil. REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE CIÊNCIA DO SOLO v. 42, p. e0170117, 2018.
11. QUEIROZ et al. Are acid volatile sulfides (AVS) important trace metals sinks in semi-arid mangroves?. MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN v. 126, p. 318-322, 2018.
12. QUEIROZ et al. The Samarco mine tailing disaster: A possible time-bomb for heavy metals contamination?. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT v. 637-638, p. 498-506, 2018.
13. OTERO et al. Trace elements in biomaterials and soils from a Yellow-legged gull ( Larus michahellis ) colony in the Atlantic Islands of Galicia National Park (NW Spain). MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN v. 133, p. 144-149, 2018.
14. OTERO et al. High fragility of the soil organic C pools in mangrove forests. MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN p. 460-464, 2017.
15. ROMERO et al. Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy (Vis-Nir-Swir) as a Promising Tool for Blue Carbon Quantification in Mangrove Soils: A Case of Study in Tropical Semiarid Climatic Conditions. SOIL SCIENCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA JOURNAL v. 81, p. 1661-1667, 2017.
16. OTERO et al. High heterogeneity in soil composition and quality in different mangrove forests of Venezuela. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT v. 189, p. 511, 2017.
17. NÓBREGA et al. Edaphic factors controlling summer (rainy season) greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 and CH4) from semiarid mangrove soils (NE-Brazil). Science of the Total Environment v. 542, p. 685-693, 2016.
18. PASSOS et al. Comparison of the quantitative determination of soil organic carbon in coastal wetlands containing reduced forms of Fe and S. Geo-Marine Letters p. 223-233, 2016.
19. ALMEIDA et al. High Primary Production Contrasts with Intense Carbon Emission in a Eutrophic Tropical Reservoir. Frontiers in Microbiology (Online) v. 7, p. 717, 2016.
20. ARAÚJO JÚNIOR et al. The role of bioturbation by Ucides cordatus crab in the fractionation and bioavailability of trace metals in tropical semiarid mangroves. Marine Pollution Bulletin v. 111, p. 194-202, 2016.
21. OSTERRIETH et al. Iron biogeochemistry in Holocene palaeo and actual salt marshes in coastal areas of the Pampean Plain, Argentina. Environmental Earth Sciences v. 75, p. 672, 2016.
1. Recuperação de estoque de C e serviços ecossistêmicos em manguezais replantados (Financiamento Universal/CNPq e Jovem Cientista do Nosso Estado/FAPERJ)
2. Avaliação de impactos dos rejeitos de minério da SAMARCO na biogeoquímica do solo, na biodiversidade e funcionamento de ecossistemas bentônicos na Foz do Rio Doce (Financiamento CAPES, FAPES, FAPESP)
3. PELD Hábitats Costeiros no Espírito Santo (Financiamento PELD CAPES)
Em Andamento
# | Nível | Nome |
1 | doutorado | Erica Cristina Ferreira |
3 | doutorado | Verônica Ribeiro Ramos de Carvalho |
# | Nível | Nome | Conclusão |
1 | mestrado | GABRIELA RODRIGUES DA SILVA | 2022 |
2 | doutorado | Fabiano Barbosa Alecrim | 2024 |
3 | doutorado | Marcela Lopes Lázaro | 2024 |
Em Andamento
# | Nível | Nome |
1 | doutorado | Caio Rocha de Moura Silva |
2 | doutorado | Caíssa Machado Perucci Pereira dos Santos |
# | Nível | Nome | Conclusão |
1 | mestrado | Caio Rocha de Moura Silva | 2022 |
2 | mestrado | Marina Teixeira Furtado | 2023 |
3 | doutorado | Fernanda Figueiredo Granja Dorilêo Leite | 2023 |
Supervisões (pós-doutorado)
Sigla | Disciplina | Categoria |
EGQ10116 | ESTÁGIO EM DOCÊNCIA (D) | Obrigatória |
EGQ10082 | ESTÁGIO EM DOCÊNCIA (M) | Obrigatória |