Programa de Pós-graduação em Geociências (Geoquímica)

Universidade Federal Fluminense



SIPOS - Gwenael Yves Abril

Gwenael Yves Abril

Áreas de Interesse: Biogeoquímica aquática, Sistema carbonato, Gases de Efeito Estufa, Ciclo global do carbono, Eutrofização, Mudanças globais.

Gwenael Yves Abril

Áreas de Interesse: Biogeoquímica aquática, Sistema carbonato, Gases de Efeito Estufa, Ciclo global do carbono, Eutrofização, Mudanças globais.



ANO 2019
Abril G. and Borges A.V. (2019) Ideas and perspectives: Carbon leaks from flooded land: do we need to replumb the inland water active pipe? Biogeosciences 16, 769–784.
Anschutz P., Bouchet S., Abril G., Tessier E., Bridou R., Amouroux D. (2019) In vitro simulation of oscillatory redox conditions in intertidal sediments: N, Mn, Fe, and P coupling. Continental Shelf Research. In Press.
Cotovicz Jr. L.C., Knoppers B., Deirmendjian L., and Abril G. (2019) Sources and sinks of dissolved inorganic carbon in an urban tropical coastal bay revealed by ?13C-DIC signals. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 220: 185–195.
Deirmendjian L., Anschutz P., Morel C., Mollier A., Augusto L., Loustau D., Cotovicz Jr L.C., Lajaunie-Salla K., Chaillou, G., Buquet D., Charbonnier C., Poirier D. and Abril G. (2019) Importance of the vegetation-groundwater-stream continuum to understand transformation of biogenic carbon in aquatic systems - a case study based on a pine-maize comparison in a lowland sandy watershed (Landes de Gascogne, SW France). Science of the Total Environment 661: 613–629.
Grasset C., Abril G., Mendonça R., Roland F., and Sobek S. (2019) The transformation of macrophyte-derived organic matter to methane relates to plant water and nutrient contents. Limnology and Oceanography, doi:10.1002/lno.11148.

ANO 2018
Albéric P., Pérez M.A.P., Moreira-Turcq P., Benedetti M., Bouillon S. and Abril G. (2018) Variation of dissolved organic carbon isotopic composition during the runoff cycle in the Amazon River and floodplains. CR Geoscience. 350: 65-75.
Borges A.V., Abril G. and Bouillon S. (2018) Carbon dynamics and CO2 and CH4 outgassing in the Mekong Delta. Biogeosciences 15: 1093-1114.
Cotovicz Jr. L.C., Knoppers B., Brandini N., Costa S.S.J. and Abril G. (2018) Aragonite saturation state in a tropical coastal embayment dominated by phytoplankton blooms (Guanabara Bay - Brazil). Marine Pollution Bulletin 129: 729-739.
Cotovicz Jr. L.C., Knoppers B., Brandini N., Poirier D. Costa S.S.J. and Abril G. (2018) Predominance of phytoplankton-derived dissolved and particulate organic carbon in a highly eutrophic tropical coastal embayment (Guanabara Bay, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). Biogeochemistry 137: 1–14
Deirmendjian L. and Abril G. (2018) Carbon dioxide degassing at the groundwater-stream-atmosphere interface: isotopic equilibration and hydrological mass balance in a sandy watershed. Journal of Hydrology 558: 129-143.
Deirmendjian L., Loustau D., Augusto L., Lafont S., Chipeaux C., Poirier D., and Abril G. (2018) Hydro-ecological controls on dissolved carbon dynamics in groundwater and export to streams in a temperate pine forest. Biogeosciences 15: 669–691.
Gaillardet J., Braud I., Hankard F., Anquetin S., Bour O., Dorfliger N., de Dreuzy J.R., Galle S., Galy C., Gogo S., Gourcy L., Habets F., Laggoun F., Longuevergne L., Le Borgne T., Naaim-Bouvet F., Nord G., Simonneaux V., Six D., Tallec T., Valentin C., Abril G., et al. (2018) OZCAR: the French network of Critical Zone Observatories. Vadose Zone Journal 17:180067. doi:10.2136/vzj2018.04.0067
Lajaunie-Salla K., Sottolichio A., Schmidt S., Litrico X., Binet G., and Abril G. (2018) Future intensification of summer hypoxia in the Tidal Garonne River (SW France) simulated by a coupled hydro-sedimentary-biogeochemical model. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. doi10.1007/s11356-018-3035-6
Ribaudo C., Tison-Rosebery J., Buquet D., Jan G., Jamoneau A., Abril G., Anschutz P., and Bertrin V. (2018) Invasive Aquatic Plants as Ecosystem Engineers in an Oligo-Mesotrophic Shallow Lake. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9:1781. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.01781


ANO 2019
Abril G. and Borges A.V. (2019) Ideas and perspectives: Carbon leaks from flooded land: do we need to replumb the inland water active pipe? Biogeosciences 16, 769–784.
Anschutz P., Bouchet S., Abril G., Tessier E., Bridou R., Amouroux D. (2019) In vitro simulation of oscillatory redox conditions in intertidal sediments: N, Mn, Fe, and P coupling. Continental Shelf Research. In Press.
Cotovicz Jr. L.C., Knoppers B., Deirmendjian L., and Abril G. (2019) Sources and sinks of dissolved inorganic carbon in an urban tropical coastal bay revealed by ?13C-DIC signals. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 220: 185–195.
Deirmendjian L., Anschutz P., Morel C., Mollier A., Augusto L., Loustau D., Cotovicz Jr L.C., Lajaunie-Salla K., Chaillou, G., Buquet D., Charbonnier C., Poirier D. and Abril G. (2019) Importance of the vegetation-groundwater-stream continuum to understand transformation of biogenic carbon in aquatic systems - a case study based on a pine-maize comparison in a lowland sandy watershed (Landes de Gascogne, SW France). Science of the Total Environment 661: 613–629.
Grasset C., Abril G., Mendonça R., Roland F., and Sobek S. (2019) The transformation of macrophyte-derived organic matter to methane relates to plant water and nutrient contents. Limnology and Oceanography, doi:10.1002/lno.11148.

ANO 2018
Albéric P., Pérez M.A.P., Moreira-Turcq P., Benedetti M., Bouillon S. and Abril G. (2018) Variation of dissolved organic carbon isotopic composition during the runoff cycle in the Amazon River and floodplains. CR Geoscience. 350: 65-75.
Borges A.V., Abril G. and Bouillon S. (2018) Carbon dynamics and CO2 and CH4 outgassing in the Mekong Delta. Biogeosciences 15: 1093-1114.
Cotovicz Jr. L.C., Knoppers B., Brandini N., Costa S.S.J. and Abril G. (2018) Aragonite saturation state in a tropical coastal embayment dominated by phytoplankton blooms (Guanabara Bay - Brazil). Marine Pollution Bulletin 129: 729-739.
Cotovicz Jr. L.C., Knoppers B., Brandini N., Poirier D. Costa S.S.J. and Abril G. (2018) Predominance of phytoplankton-derived dissolved and particulate organic carbon in a highly eutrophic tropical coastal embayment (Guanabara Bay, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). Biogeochemistry 137: 1–14
Deirmendjian L. and Abril G. (2018) Carbon dioxide degassing at the groundwater-stream-atmosphere interface: isotopic equilibration and hydrological mass balance in a sandy watershed. Journal of Hydrology 558: 129-143.
Deirmendjian L., Loustau D., Augusto L., Lafont S., Chipeaux C., Poirier D., and Abril G. (2018) Hydro-ecological controls on dissolved carbon dynamics in groundwater and export to streams in a temperate pine forest. Biogeosciences 15: 669–691.
Gaillardet J., Braud I., Hankard F., Anquetin S., Bour O., Dorfliger N., de Dreuzy J.R., Galle S., Galy C., Gogo S., Gourcy L., Habets F., Laggoun F., Longuevergne L., Le Borgne T., Naaim-Bouvet F., Nord G., Simonneaux V., Six D., Tallec T., Valentin C., Abril G., et al. (2018) OZCAR: the French network of Critical Zone Observatories. Vadose Zone Journal 17:180067. doi:10.2136/vzj2018.04.0067
Lajaunie-Salla K., Sottolichio A., Schmidt S., Litrico X., Binet G., and Abril G. (2018) Future intensification of summer hypoxia in the Tidal Garonne River (SW France) simulated by a coupled hydro-sedimentary-biogeochemical model. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. doi10.1007/s11356-018-3035-6
Ribaudo C., Tison-Rosebery J., Buquet D., Jan G., Jamoneau A., Abril G., Anschutz P., and Bertrin V. (2018) Invasive Aquatic Plants as Ecosystem Engineers in an Oligo-Mesotrophic Shallow Lake. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9:1781. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.01781




Em Andamento
# Nível Nome
1 mestrado Vinícius Latgé Meira
# Nível Nome Conclusão
1 doutorado Suzan Juliana da Costa Santos 2022


Em Andamento
# Nível Nome
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# Nível Nome Conclusão
1 mestrado Camille De Abreu Nunes Longo 2024
2 mestrado Leandro Louis Magalhães Galliza -
3 doutorado Bruno Guides Libardoni 2019
4 doutorado Glenda Camila Barroso 2021
5 doutorado Grazielle Nascimento Silva 2023

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